Some Cake
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
As I was walking to a friend’s house for Bible study, I heard a familiar voice holler from across the field: “I want some cake!” Having nothing but my Bible and a bowl of rice in my hands, I didn’t give any attention to the Chief's proclamation for cake. I continued walking. Again, I heard him yell two more times, “I want some cake!” This time, I turned to see who he was yelling to, because honestly, by this point, I too wanted some cake; but there was no one but he and I walking along the paths of this field.
I stopped walking so he could catch up to me. As he approached, he again said, “I want some cake.” “Sir, I’m sorry, I only have a bowl of rice and a Bible, would you like some rice?” I offered. Then I thought, “Lord, is this a water-to-wine moment? Do you want me to do a miracle in Your Name and turn this bowl of rice in to a cake so our Chief’s cake-craving will subside?” The Spirit didn’t move me to do such a thing.
“Oh, sorry my daughter,” he said. “I thought you had cake, and all morning I’ve been wanting cake.”
After Bible study, I came back to my room and remembered that I had a present, which a dear friend had given me. I opened it and wouldn’t you believe it… it was a small cake!
CAKE! Instantly I heard those words repeating over and over in my head: “I want some cake!” I chuckled a bit, knew God was up to something, cut off a few pieces for our dear Chief, and headed to his house. As I approached, cake behind my back, he had the most inviting smile on his face. I presented to him the pieces of cake and he just about came off the front porch in excitement. He then said, “I am so glad you came by, I have something I wanted to talk to you about. Please sit next to me.” Eager to hear how God was connecting all these cake-dots together, I sat down, ears wide opened.

For the next hour, the Chief of our community shared with me how he encountered God, in a whole new way. The night before there was no sermon preached to him, no verses of scriptures read; not even a missionary or pastor present at the time, but in the privacy of his own home, he and his wife (who had already accepted Christ as her Savior, with me a few months prior) lifted up some miraculous prayers to God.
For our Chief, it all finally clicked. The “Light” came on. God flooded this man’s head and heart with thoughts about his community and his life, which brought him to his knees in order to find his Savior.
No doubt, pray warriors, your prayers made this happen. Nothing else could explain the private encounter which our Chief had that night with the Lord. Whoever you are, however you were praying, fasting, and petitioning our Precious Savior, on behalf of our Chief’s salvation, Thank You! With tears of joy I exclaim to you, THANK YOU! Once again, your prayers made the difference.
Stand Out today and share your testimony
and a piece of cake, for eternity sake.
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