Friday, August 3, 2012



American Christians, for the most part, all seem to look alike to a lost and dying world. They go to church, give an offering, support a local charity and even do worthwhile service projects; but they are missing out on the true privilege of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), which is sharing the Gospel message within one's gifted areas.

God has designed each person with a unique and specific calling on their life and each of us is to use our calling to make a difference which will last for all eternity.

Stand Out Ministries' goal is to help individuals not only find their calling, but to live it out as well.

Today, do something within the uniqueness of who YOU are that will make YOU STAND OUT and make a lasting impression for eternity.  Go... Stand Out...  
You and the world will be glad you did.  :)

For more information on how to STAND OUT and make an eternal impact, visit Stand Out Ministries at: