Go Fish
After getting in the canoe, I popped in my MP3 earphones and settled in for the 3 hr. ride ahead, to return to our Amazonian, jungle community. I was seated in the front, my Brazilian, missionary partner was a couple seats back, and our driver was in the far back. It had been a great day and while humming along to the praise and worship music, a discussion between God and I began, concerning how He speaks to His people.
“God, how do You speak to us and how can we know Your voice? God, Why don’t you talk to us like people talk to each other? We could understand you better if you did.” These were my humanistic, simplistic, narrow-minded thoughts coming out in a prayer to God.
“My child, I’ve given you the Holy Spirit inside of you to go with you and speak to you no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Isn’t that so much better than how you humans speak to one another?” This was God’s reply.
“Yes, Lord. You’re right. That is better.”
“It is you who must listen differently, my dear. Not I who must speak differently.”

While pondering this profound point, something slimy hit my foot and continued to go crazy on the floorboard of the canoe, right below me. It was a fish! A fish had jumped in to our canoe and landed right at my feet! Laughing, I picked it up and turned around to show my partner and the driver. After doing so, our driver gave me the thumbs up and held up another fish! One that had apparently jumped in between him and my partner about 30 minutes before my incident.
These 2 fish, put with a little rice, would be just enough for my partner and I for dinner.
“See my child, I speak in ways much grander than the way of humans; but you must listen, not just with your human ears, but with your eyes and your heart as well.”
Isaiah 55:9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
I had prayed the Lord’s prayer earlier, which contains the phrase “Give us Lord our daily bread,” and He spoke in response to my prayer – He threw fish in our canoe.
We may not hear the voice of God in a burning bush (Moses), audibly (Samuel), in a gentle whisper in the wind (Elijah), or through an angel appearing to us in a dream (Mary), but we can, personally, hear the voice of God. We can hear it if we tune our ears, eyes, heart, and mind, to listen differently than we normally would to a family member or friend.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God’s ways and thoughts higher than ours. If His ways and thoughts are higher, then why wouldn’t we think that His voice would be higher as well? Everything of God’s is higher. It is us that must adjust our listening, not God who must adjust His speaking. Listen and watch for the voice of God. It’s truly amazing the places you’ll find it if you are walking in step with Him.
STAND OUT today and tune in to the various, unique, ways that
God may be speaking to you.
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